RX Physical Therapy’s Joint-by-Joint Approach for Low Back and Shoulder Pain Relief

Weight lifters and active adults often find themselves grappling with persistent aches and pains as they push their bodies to excel. At RX Physical Therapy, a unique and strategic method known as the joint-by-joint approach is employed to address these issues with precision. In this blog, we’ll explore how RX Physical Therapy applies this approach to effectively tackle common concerns such as low back pain and shoulder pain, providing relief and optimizing performance.

Understanding the Joint-by-Joint Approach:

The joint-by-joint approach, developed by Gray Cook and Michael Boyle, offers a fresh perspective on the body’s kinetic chain, highlighting the alternating need for stability and mobility in different joints. This concept serves as a guiding principle for understanding and addressing the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction.

The Mobile-Stable Continuum:

According to this approach, joints alternate between requiring stability and mobility along the kinetic chain. For instance, the hips and ankles typically need mobility, while stability is crucial for the knees and lower back. This concept forms the foundation for identifying and resolving pain and dysfunction.

Low Back Pain:

Weight lifters often grapple with low back pain, often stemming from excessive movement in the lumbar spine. RX Physical Therapy embraces the joint-by-joint approach by initially assessing adjacent joints. If the hips lack the necessary mobility, the lumbar spine may overcompensate, resulting in pain. Targeted exercises to enhance hip mobility can alleviate stress on the lower back.

Shoulder Pain:

Active adults commonly experience shoulder pain due to the physical demands of their activities. RX Physical Therapy applies the joint-by-joint approach by examining the stability and mobility of neighboring joints. For instance, limited thoracic spine mobility can lead to increased stress on the shoulder joint during movements like overhead presses. Mobility exercises targeting the thoracic spine may contribute to shoulder pain relief.

Individualized Treatment Plans:

Recognizing the uniqueness of each patient, RX Physical Therapy tailors treatment plans based on the joint-by-joint assessment. This may involve a combination of manual therapy, specific exercises, and education on optimal movement patterns.

Education and Preventive Strategies:

RX Physical Therapy places a strong emphasis on patient education about the joint-by-joint approach. By empowering weight lifters and active adults with knowledge on maintaining a balance between stability and mobility, the therapy helps prevent future injuries, fostering long-term athletic success.

RX Physical Therapy’s commitment to the joint-by-joint approach stands as a beacon of expertise and personalized care for weight lifters and active adults dealing with persistent aches and pains. By focusing on the unique needs of each joint, this approach provides a comprehensive solution for conditions such as low back pain and shoulder pain. As individuals strive for relief and enhanced performance, RX Physical Therapy offers a strategic and effective path toward musculoskeletal health and well-being.

a man standing in front of a picture of himself.

Charles Ferruzza

RX Physical Therapy

We help CrossFit Athletes, Barbell Athletes, and Active Adults Work Through Injuries Without Having To Skip Days In The Gym.